Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses, large and small, in many different sectors have all been affected severely. No one is certain about the future but we are all in agreement that more tough times are still ahead. It’s important to remain optimistic that this too shall pass and we need to do our best to help others in need. It should be a top priority, as important as staying safe and healthy.
There are plenty of examples that many tech companies and others have been generous with their products and services. For example, Zoom lifted their 40 minute limit for non-subscribers. Adobe is allowing its educational customers to request access for free home access for students and teachers to its Creative cloud suite of tools. They have also made their web conferencing service, Adobe Connect, free for schools, businesses and government agencies on a 90 day licenses. The following is a list of tech companies that are offering some kind of freebie to the public and businesses. Free resources can be found here
Of note, more and more businesses are donating and offering services to Frontline Healthcare workers. It’s a great show of camaraderie when this type of help is available to both businesses and the general public, who have been impacted heavily by this pandemic.
In the beginning of the COVID-19 stay at home orders, IT21st and sister company, CEO Computers, offered to refurbish used computers and laptops to be used by local students. This project was successful due to community outreach; we received many laptops and one company was generous enough to donate 800 iPad Mini’s to be distributed to local students in the community. We are also offering 3 months of free services to any LA based businesses or non-profits who are badly affected by this pandemic until this crisis is over.
We are committed to our community and have started a weekly newsletter titled “Tech Tip Tuesday”. Providing useful technical information and advice, this email provides tips and tricks for maintaining your current computer system as well as info that can help you do an assortment of things. A recent article shed light on how to keep a server room or computer setup from overheating during the current summer heat wave, while another gave pointers on accessing faster Wi-Fi speeds while working from home. *To sign up for this newsletter or for any questions you may have, feel free to email us at: info@it21st.com*
Lastly, we are here when you need us most. We have extended businesses hours and are available in an array of methods, from office visits (while following social distancing and face mask compliance, as specified by the CDC), to video conferencing and one on one phone calls. Most of all, we are staying optimistic and forward thinking, bringing you a level of commitment, accountability and trust our clients and prospects have come to know and deserve from us.
At IT21st, we have over 32 years of IT Experience and 100% customer satisfaction. We are a customer focused company that makes sure our customers are treated fairly and respectfully, like family member. Let us provide you with the same superior service. Contact us via email info@IT21st.com or call us at 855-448-2178.