Nowadays, as Cloud computing (email hosting, online backup, online storage, VoIP, Online -applications, etc.) become Land acceptable, plenty of businesses are transferring their computing and operations from onsite (on-premise) to the Cloud. Therefore, the need to create a solid strategy to address these cloud-based needs (and migration) has become more necessary.
There are several factors that should be considered:
- Resources: The first step to migrate to the Cloud is evaluating the resources you currently have. Is your internal IT capable of strategizing and selecting the right hosting solutions? If you do not have the internal resources, finding an experienced IT company is your next step.
- Infra-structure: It is vital to have fast & reliable internet in your operation. Perhaps two providers and, to have a failover service and equipment such as SD-Wan installed.
- Budget: Cloud is not the least expensive solution. It has many positive features that makes it worthwhile to consider it as a viable option. So, it is wise to be clear about the reasons why you want to move to the Cloud. For example, if data availability of the data from anywhere is important to you then the additional cost is justified.
- Security: This is an important component of the Cloud computing. It is vital to have sound plans in place and have the capability of fending off any attacks.
- Support: Migrating to the Cloud is half of the battle. Maintaining and managing your data and keeping it safe and secure has the same challenges as if it was on premise. It is super important to partner with a reliable and experienced IT company to support and maintain your IT.
None of the above items can be overlooked, because the risk of downtime becomes costly and unbearable. Cloud computing is an awesome tool, due to its ease of use, so we recommend considering these factors before making the switch. For additional information, or for any additional questions you may have, please contact us at IT21St at: 885-4IT21ST or visit our website