Los Angeles Best IT Services Provider

It goes without saying that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought much misery, hardship and uncertainty to all businesses, though some more than the others.  The disruptions has been unprecedented and has forced businesses to rethink and adjust all the aspects of their business strategy and operation.

One thing which is clear is the businesses’ dependence on technology.  Those businesses that had planned for various types of disasters, fared better than those that did not.  Businesses that moved to a WFH (Work from Home) model before this Pandemic ended up being better off than others too.

At this time, a majority of businesses have experienced a loss of income and are struggling to find ways to get things back to normal. As we head deeper into this pandemic (with no sign of relief), businesses are adapting and advising us of the expectations they’ve come to anticipate from us and other IT vendors. These include the following:

  1. Keeping the remote operation (WFH) going with the least amount of interruptions and highest amount of security
  2. Maintaining the network and internet bandwidth in an optimum condition
  3. Continuing to keep data safe and eliminate or mitigate any threats from cyber criminals
  4. Retaining all services, while keeping the IT related costs low
  5. Utilizing the best of the current technologies for improving the employees’ performance, productivity and collaboration
  6. Assessing the feasibility and planning to migrate the current on premise servers and applications to the cloud
  7. Re-evaluating the Disaster Recovery plan
  8. Reviewing the existing contracts and  budgets and determining if there are areas that can be modified to reflect the current situation

With any disaster, you always have to ask yourself two questions:

“Why did this happen?” and “What can I do to make sure it will not happen again?”

Although certain things are beyond our control, a game plan or preparedness and response are well within our reach. Together we can overcome this and normalize our businesses and lives.

For additional questions or assistance, please feel free to give us a call at IT21st: 855-448-2178 or visit us at: for more information.