Los Angeles Best IT Services Provider

Part Nine: Low Performing Line of Business Applications – When your business is dependent on a Line of Business Application (LoB), you want it to run trouble-free and fast.  The hardware requirements for original installation might have been adequate at the time, but not now.  You may have more users taxing the server and the network, and your workstations might be getting old too and running more applications simultaneously.  What are your options?  What is the cost vs. benefits analysis in this situation?  Do you upgrade?  If you do, do you need to upgrade the software? Is the LOB software the main reason your application running slow?  Is it custom software?  Do you have a dedicated server for the LoB? Is migrating to the Cloud an option for you?  Where do you start?

The above questions are only some of the questions that you have to find answers to.  Each situation is different, and there may be more questions to be addressed.

The best step is starting with looking at the application itself.  How old is it? Is it being updated regularly?  Is there support for it?  Is it slow when only a few users are using it?  How old are your server or workstations?  Can your application be upgraded without changing the server?  How old is the Server Operating System? The software vendor can address all these questions.  It is best to consult with an IT company and have a Zoom meeting with all the involved parties.  Discuss the above questions.

There have been cases that simple hardware such as bad network cards, bad network cables, and an inexpensive network switch, etc. have slowed down the application or its performance. There have been cases that the antivirus or another software had a conflict with the main application.  Or the updates to the operating system may cause a conflict with the LoB.  These can be solved by simple diagnostics or a process of elimination that your IT vendor can perform inexpensively.  Sometimes the entire server and application can be virtualized and put on a new server and may perform better, and the upgrade costs will not be as much as you think it is.

Putting up with a slow-performing LoB puts a damper on your operation.  The solution to fix it, may not be as costly as you think.

Providing your business with the state of the art advice and solutions to improve the productivity of your staff and the performance of your network is our number one goal.  For a free consultation to resolve slow-performing applications, call us at 855-448-21781 or visit our website

About Us:

IT21st is a Los Angeles IT Support & Cloud Solutions company.  Our IT solutions and services are designed to simplify your IT, protect your data, and empower your staff.  We are a Microsoft silver competency partner. IT21st has assisted many small businesses in the Los Angeles area in various industries to implement compliance policies, secure their network, and protect their data.  When it comes to IT Managed Services in Los Angeles, we are your number one source.